Urbana is a missions conference bringing together a diverse mix of 15,000 attendees. The exhibit hall at Urbana is a unique experience for attendees to be connected with various missions organizations about opportunities to serve with them. Our design team was assigned to create a branded ad campaign for our missions organization, Cru. The ad campaign would need to translate across print, digital, and large trade show booth signage.
The ad campaign featured the tagline “Step Out With Us” which was targeted towards college students who are seeking their next steps after graduation. The design featured a paper cut-out effect with three different scenes portrayed: outdoors, city, and beach. Since attendees were seeing hundreds of ads at the conference which were mainly using photos of people, we used vector-based artwork to stand out from the crowd. Step Out With Us had an estimated reach of 10,000+ attendees. This campaign was viewed on the Urbana18 app,, Urbana Today (the conference newspaper), and at the Urbana exhibit hall.
Julie Plasse: Creative Director | Ariel Ma: Senior Designer | Sonal Mecwan: Designer